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Archived asanas

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Crescent Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana) 🌛

anjani (salutation/praise) + asana (pose)

Crescent Lunge is a dynamic standing pose that integrates, strengthens, & stretches the muscles of your entire body. As a balancing pose, a backbend, *&* a heart opener, Anjaneyasana is another trifecta for the entire body. We often encounter it in various Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequences, but there´s no reason not to incorporate it into your normal practice. Rome wasn´t built in a day, so build this pose mindfully from the ground up. First, focus on getting the alignment of your front foot & leg established, then square off your hips. If it´s available to you, raise & extend your torso & arms. Yogis looking for an extra challenge can make this a standing pose (High Lunge) or conversely, those with balance issues can keep their hands on the mat making it a Runner´s Lunge. Nonetheless, prep for this pose with 3-Legged Dog, any sort of Low Lunge (like Runner´s Lunge), & Half Monkey Pose. After practising equally on both sides, reward your body with time spent in any Low Lunge you´d like, Down Dog, Table Top Pose, &/or Standing Forward Fold. Anjaneyasana is a powerful way to build strength, balance, & concentration that will have you howling at the moon with a full & open heart!


  • improves flexibility, balance, stability & focus

  • opens the hips

  • as a heart/chest-opener, it benefits the respiratory system

  • stretches the legs, groin, & hip flexors

  • strengthens & tones the thighs, hips, & glutes

  • reduces general stiffness in the shoulders

  • is therapeutic for sciatica, asthma, & insomnia

  • reduces fatigue

  • by stimulating the heart chakra, it helps to improve balance & tranquility.

Remember: keep your front bent leg vertical & make sure that knee doesn´t track open!

Props: place your hands on yoga blocks if you´re unable to lift yourself up. If you have sensitive knees, you can rest the knee of your back leg on a folded blanket to take the pressure off. If balance is an issue you can use a wall to help: facing the wall, press the big toe of your front foot against it, & then reach your arms up & slightly forward, resting your fingertips on it.

Modify or avoid Crescent Lunge Pose if you

  • have suffered any injury to the knees or hips or have weak knees, ankles, shoulders, & hip joints

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness

  • suffer from high blood pressure or heart problems

  • suffer from chronic headaches/migraines

  • are postnatal, heavily pregnant, or elderly.


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