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Archived asanas

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Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)🐮

go (cow) + mukha (face) + asana (pose)

Gomooooooooookhasana! Okay, so where´s the cow? Think of your crossed legs as the cow´s lips & your elbows & arms its ears. See it now? Not really? Well, never mind. Cow Face Pose is a hip & shoulder opener, & is just an intense (but fabby stretch) for your entire body—your shoulders, arms, ankles, hips, thighs & back. This is a pose that those of us who sit & are hunched over a desk or the wheel of a car all day desperately need. You´ll probably feel a noticeable difference in your hips & shoulders when expressing this pose, so & it´s imperative that you´ve warmed up beforehand: any variation of Lord of the Fishes, Cradle, & Cobbler´s Pose (sitting or Reclining) will do the trick. Afterwards, spend some time in Seated Forward Fold, Staff Pose, &/or Head-to-Knee Pose. Cow Face Pose allows you to listen to your body, to explore its symmetry by how it feels: is 1 side more open or more tight than the other side? Be especially aware of how your knees feel while in this pose; modify, use a prop, or skip it altogether if you can't find a position that doesn't cause you knee pain. This is true for your whole body; remember, there´s a thin line between stretching & straining, & you want to be on the right side of that line. The mantra "no pain, no gain" does not exist in yoga. 🐮


  • deeply stretches hips, ankles, thighs, glutes, shoulders, armpit, chest, deltoids, & triceps

  • aids chronic knee pain

  • strengthens spine & abdominal muscles

  • opens the buttocks & deep rotator muscles of the hips, so is helpful for sciatica sufferers

  • helps decompress low spine (during folded variation)

  • improves posture & counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting

  • as a restorative pose, it allows you to let you go inward in order to get a full muscle release

  • massages the lymph nodes of the groin & underarms.

Remember: ground your sit bones to ensure that the weight of your body is distributed evenly! Be mindful of the length & position of your back, neck, & head. Bring length to your spine: You should have a straight line from the top of your head to your tailbone. When bringing the upper arm close to your face, try not to bend your neck & lean the head to the side. Avoid twisting to join your hands - this is why the Universe created yoga straps or scarves.

Props: clasping your hands a problem? - a yoga strap (belt or scarf) will assist those with less mobility in the shoulders. You can also sit on a folded blanket, bolster, or a yoga block to level out your bottom if it's uneven. If the upper knee/thigh doesn´t rest on the bottom leg, feel free to slip a cushion or folded blanket underneath for added support. You can also enter this pose from a reclining position - in fact many yogis use the reclining variation in their cooldown.

Avoid or Modify Cow Face Pose if you:

  • have sustained any shoulder, neck, back hip, elbow, or knee injuries

  • have had recent abdomen or spinal column surgery

  • suffer from inflammation of the knees

  • experience general weakness in the body

  • are pregnant.


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