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Archived asanas

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Corpse Pose (Savasana) ⚰️

sava (corpse) + asana (pose)

After "om" & "namaste", the next word in every beginner yogi´s lexicon is "savasana". Not only is it a beautiful word, ("savasana" not "corpse"), it´s also a thing of beauty. And while it seems like a simple pose that we all do to wrap up a practice, for many of us (I'm raising my hand here), Corpse Pose can be an incredibly difficult pose: lying on the mat, doing "nothing" is a challenge for those of us with brains like mice on an exercise wheel. Relaxing can be a whole lot harder than it looks, & it requires practice just like a "regular" asana. But a lot happens in our bodies during this grounding pose, despite/because of our stillness; it doesn´t just offer the body rest after a yoga practice: it also relieves any physical & mental stress we have accumulated during that practice, allowing our organs to process toxins. This is why it´s considered "active relaxation", a restorative pose extraordinaire. In many practices, Corpse is preceded by some variation of Supine Spinal Twist &/or Happy Baby Pose. There's a tendency for many yogis to skip savasana, so think of it as a reward, a thank-you for giving yourself the time for your practice. The rule of thumb is at least 5 minutes for every hour of practice! - this is a bare 🐻 minimum! Soon you'll find yourself embracing your inner corpse with gusto - mind-clearing, relaxing, meditative, restorative detoxifying gusto. What's your mantra, baby?—"still body, still mind".


  • releases stiffness & tension from the body´s joints & muscles

  • slows your heart rate & helps to lower blood pressure

  • brings your heart rate back to normal after your practice

  • relieves mild depression & fatigue

  • therapeutic for insomnia

  • boosts the immune system

  • calms the brain & nervous system.

Remember: to tuck your chin in towards the chest, lengthening the back of the neck. Keep your legs comfortably apart & your arms away from your body, palms up. Your shoulders should be away & your chest open - there should be no hunching or grasping. Imagine that you´re resting or floating ontop of your mat.


Props: A rolled blanket, pillow, or bolster under your legs or knees will elongate your lumbar spine & eliminate any discomfort you may have. Heavily pregnant yogis may wish to place a bolster, rolled blanket, or pillow under their right side to avoid lying flat on their backs. An eye pillow placed over your eyes will help relax the pupils by blocking out light, & a pillow under your head just feels nice. If it´s chilly, tuck yourself under a blanket.

Avoid or modify Corpse Pose if you:

  • have severe lethargy

  • any back injury &/or discomfort

  • are pregnant (pay attention to numbness in your legs or any dizziness)

  • have severe acid reflux.


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