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Archived asanas

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Cobbler's Pose/Bound Angle/Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)🦋

baddha (bound) + kona (angle) + asana (pose)

Helping you to rediscover your inner child, Cobbler's Pose is a seated hip-opener, & is an incredibly important asana for adults. Why? - because as we age, we usually spend more time sitting in chairs with our legs crossed or together, so we lose the habit (& ease) of sitting on the floor like we did when we were children. Considered a canonical pose for beginners, Cobbler's nonetheless pushes all of us - yogis of all abilities - to explore our edge. If this pose comes easily to you, consider straightening your spain, & bending (from the hips) forward over the feet. If you feel like lying down on the job, you can try Reclining Cobbler´s. It´s essential that your body is warmed up & receptive to Cobbler´s beforehand, so consider practising Cradle Pose, or spending some time in Easy Pose. Easy Pose is also a wonderful way to relax your body afterwards. Whether you call it Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Throne Pose - or Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana should be practised by all of us, every single day!


  • opens the hips (in abduction & flexion) & groins

  • tones & strengthens the inner thigh muscles (adductors), the front of the thighs (quads), & knees

  • strengthens pelvic floor muscles

  • strengthens the back & core (they work to keep you from rounding the back & dropping the chest)

  • relieves lower back pain

  • helps to increase lung capacity

  • stimulates the prostate gland & bladder.

  • aids in digestion

  • relieves insomnia & fatigue

  • activates the parasympathetic nervous system (the ‘Rest and Digest’ system)

  • assists women to prepare for childbirth.

Remember: Cobbler's Pose is one of the few poses that can be practised comfortably soon after eating (except for the forward-bending variation with the head on the floor). The further away your feet are from your body, the easier you may find the pose.

Props: a yoga block or cushion under the knees will offer added support if your hips are tight - this is equally true if you express the pose from a reclining position. Sitting on a yoga wedge will improve support & posture if you find maintaining a straight back difficult. If this pose isn´t accessible to you, straighten your legs out slightly in front of you to a larger diamond shape to take the stress off your hip flexors & knees.

Avoid or modify Cobbler's Pose if you:

  • ​are menstruating

  • are pregnant, use bolsters/pillows under your knees because of the body´s "relaxing" hormones.

  • have had a knee, hip, groin or low back injury

  • have recently had abdominal surgery

  • have an inguinal hernia.


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