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Archived asanas

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Child's Pose (Balasana)

bala (child) + asana (pose)

Reminding us all that non-action & non-doing are as necessary as action & doing, this foundation pose is a fabulous restorative pose, often used as a "resting position" in between more difficult poses or as a counterpose to challenging backbends. Many yogis will use a bolster/body pillow to support the head & torso to enhance balasana´s restorative value and/or to relieve back and neck pain. It´s a simple grounding pose that you can do at home or at the office, & truly is child´s play! Traditionally, arms are at your side (palms up), but if it´s available to you, with Extended Child´s Pose you have the option of laying your your belly to rest on the mat between your thighs, arms extended.

Benefits include:

  • ​gently stretches the spine, hips, thighs, & ankles

  • ​reduces stress & fatigue by calming your mind

  • ​can release tension in your lower back muscles, chest, hamstrings, & shoulders

  • calms the nervous system

  • ​can increase blood circulation to your head

  • alleviates neck pain

  • improves digestion

  • is therapeutic for insomnia.

Remember: if your hip joints are tight, keep your knees together, then lower & lay your front body out on top of your thighs.

Props: a cushion under your head or under your hips can help if you have a sore back or have problems "meeting the floor". A rolled up blanket or a towel under your feet will also help if the front of your ankles have limited range of motion or the tops of your feet are sensitive.

Avoid or modify Child´s Pose if you:

  • are heavily pregnant – modify with your knees apart to create space under your belly & use a bolster if need be

  • have any knee, neck, low back or hip pain or injuries/replacements, or any foot or ankle sensitivities

  • are suffering from diarrhea.


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