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Archived asanas

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Chair Pose (Utkatasana)🪑

utka (fierce / powerful) + asana (pose)

It might looks rather simple, but there´s a reason why Chair Pose´s sanskrit name is Fierce or Powerful Pose because it vigorously strengthens the muscles of the arms & legs. Love it or hate it, this intermediate-level stabilizing squat will bring heat to the body as you lift your core muscles & lengthen your spine. Chair Pose is frequently incorporated into a vinyasa/moving meditation along with forward folds & mountain pose, so prepare with Tree Pose, Down Dog, &/or some Standing Forward Folds. The same poses will help your body relax, although you can add Garland Pose or some Chair modifications too (like Easy Revolved Chair Pose). Speaking of which, there are lots of modifications you can try, including balancing on your tip-toes as you express the pose, placing an ankle on the supporting thigh (One-Legged Chair Pose), or adding a twist (easy or more intense). Beginners to this pose may have difficulty keeping the feet together, so it´s okay to separate feet to hips´ distance; alternatively, rather than raising your arms or keeping them raised for any length of time, you can send them back like a swimmer diving into water or bringing them into prayer (anjali mudra). Whatever "chair" you choose, this is a dynamic, demanding pose that you can´t take sitting down.



  • improves balance

  • develops & strengthens your core

  • strengthens your buttocks, back, thighs, calves, & ankles

  • can build cardiovascular health & resilience

  • opens your chest & shoulders & stretches your neck

  • increases blood flow & so stimulates the heart

  • massages the abdominal organs, stoking your digestive fire

  • may be therapeutic for flat feet.

Remember: if you add a twist (perhaps with your hands in anjali mudra) be mindful that the leg opposite your twist doesn´t come forward. In other words, your knees should be even.


Props: Placing a yoga block between your thighs will keep your knees facing forward, but can also add intensity to the pose if you squeeze the block with extra ummmpf. If this is super challenging for you, you can do this pose with your back against a wall for added support, or lying on your back with your feet pressed against a wall.


Avoid or modify Chair Pose if you:

  • have weak knees or chronic knee problems

  • have had ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder injuries

  • lack core strength

  • have high or low blood pressure

  • suffer from vertigo

  • are prone to migraines or currently have a whopper of a headache

  • have experienced respiratory complications

  • are heavily pregnant.


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