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Archived asanas

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Camel Pose (Ustrasana) đŸȘ

ustra (camel) + asana (pose)

Camel pose is a super stretchy back-bendy heart opener that targets, among other things, the physical & emotional tension we squirrel away in our chest. Leaning back into the pose can be a liberating, confidence-building leap of faith, & is certainly an omigodomigodomigod moment for many yogis. But for those yogis not quite there yet, there are several variations you can use (hands on your sacrum, for example) to get you closer. Be mindful that the full expression of every pose isnÂŽt available to everyone (& thatÂŽs okay); you donÂŽt have to be a contortionist to feel the full benefits of a pose. Feel free to enter into it 1 side at a time (remembering to point the tailbone downwards before leaning back), & likewise, releasing from the pose 1 side at a time. You do have to have a warm spine & thighs beforehand, so limber up with some Cat Cows, Down Dog, Boat Pose, Extended ChildÂŽs Pose, &/or Bridge Pose. After holding Camel (up to a minute), reward your body with a counterpose like ChildÂŽs Pose, Reclining CobblerÂŽs or Happy Baby Pose. With regular practice, every day will become Hump Day!đŸȘđŸȘđŸȘ



  • stretches your abdomen, chest, shoulders, the front of your hips & thighs

  • strengthens your back muscles, the back of your thighs, & buttocks

  • improves spinal mobility

  • counteracts slouching

  • opens the throat & thyroid

  • opens respiratory muscles for fuller breathing

  • activates the immune system

  • improves digestion

  • builds confidence & boosts stamina.

Remember: Only go back as far as you can without causing your body any distress. Be mindful of your neck - donÂŽt let it drop back unless you have a lot of strength (itÂŽs okay to look upwards). The important thing is that your chest is lifted. Think about your thigh bones & hips; make sure that they donÂŽt move forward. In fact, your thighs should be at a right angle to the floor, hips over knees. Also, try to keep your knees no wider than hip-distance apart. Finally, remember to lower your chin to your chest & place your hands on your hips (thumbs on your sacrum) when releasing from this pose.


Props: if your hands canÂŽt reach your feet comfortably, stay up on your toes, or place your hands on blocks behind you. Sensitive knees? - a folded blanket under your knees will take the pressure off. If youÂŽre practising indoors, the wall provides an excellent prop - just lean the front of your legs against it. This will ensure excellent alignment.

Avoid or modify Camel Pose if you have:

  • neck pain/injury

  • high or low blood pressure

  • heart disease

  • a migraine

  • a history of stroke

  • low back or knee pain

  • are pregnant, postnatal, or menstruation

  • any pain or distress, come out of the pose immediately!!!


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