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Archived asanas

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Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)🛥️

paripurna (complete/full) + nava (boat) + asana (pose)

Boat Pose is a classic seated pose that strengthens the bejesus out of your core. Balancing completely on your bottom, your body assumes a V-shape once you've lifted your back & legs high & extended your arms forward. This amazing pose stretches your body from your hips to the tips of the toes. A few rounds of Sun Salutations, Warrior I, & Wide-Legged Forward Folds will help prepare your core, while Seated Forward Fold, Bridge, & Wind Release Pose will help relax your body after your excellent effort. And just for the record, no, it´s not cheating if you keep your legs bent (just make sure they´re parallel to the floor) or your hands under your thighs. Whatever variation you use, sit tall & open your heart when you row, row, row your boat!


  • strengthens & tones your core, back, hip flexors, quads, & inner thigh muscles

  • engages all the muscles around the spine

  • improves balance

  • improves digestion

  • stimulates the kidneys, thyroid, prostate glands, & the intestines

  • calms the nervous system, relieving stress

  • sharpens the brain´s ability to focus.

Remember: focus your awareness on the floor rather than how high your legs can go or how wide/high your arms can extend. Instead focus on how your pelvis sits on your mat. It's important that you broaden both your chest & rib cage to facilitate the flow of your breath & to help lengthen the upper front body.

Props: You can place a yoga block between your thighs & squeeze lightly to give you more control over your body when flexing your hip joints later. A yoga strap placed around the bottom of your feet (or foot if you´re modifying by lifting 1 foot at a time) will also help, but remember not to hyper extend your knees!

Avoid or modify Boat Pose if you suffer:

  • Have Low Blood Pressure

  • suffer from asthma

  • have diarrhea

  • experience severe headaches/migraines

  • have suffered from a spinal disorder / a neck injury

  • suffer from heart problems.

  • are pregnant.


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