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Bharadvaja's Twist (Bharadvajasana I) 🥨

bharadvaja (bharadvaja) + asana (pose)

Named after one of the greatest Hindu sages, this deep, energizing (but Beginner-Friendly) twist not only strengthens the obliques, but also jumpstarts the body´s "rest-&-digest" response (= decreases the heart rate & increases digestion) via the parasympathetic nervous system. This isn´t "just" a twist though, it's also about your alignment; namely, gently twisting your torso to one side while your shoulders turn, perpendicular to your mat. Your hip will act as the base of the pose. Bharadvaja´s Twist is a wonderful pose for those of us with lousy posture &/or who spend way too much time sitting all day. Twists require warm bodies, so spend some time in Seated Forward Fold, Cradle Pose, & Hero Pose, & remember to relax afterwards with Windshield Wiper Leg Pose, Bridge Pose, & Cobbler´s Pose. This twist is often used to prepare the body for more challenging poses (like headstands & any one of the Marichi poses), but it´s also a fabby posture in its own right. There are heaps of variations (changing the position of your feet, arms, & hands, or adding a side bending element), but however you choose to express this pose, Bharadvajasana requires us to be patient, & to maintain a calm mind.


  • stretches the entire spine, the shoulders, neck, & the hips

  • increases the flexibility of the muscles around the hips & shoulders

  • tones the core

  • massages the abdominal muscles, improving digestion

  • energizes the kidneys

  • helps alleviate lower back pain & pain associated with sciatica

  • helps to correct poor posture

  • therapeutic for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • therapeutic for arthritis

  • is beneficial for women suffering from a hormone imbalance

  • calms the nervous system.


Remember: like all twists, gaining length in your spine is more important than the extent or depth of the twist. Keep your spine straight; in fact, it always helps to imagine a line from the crown of your head to the tip of your tailbone. And again, like all twists, make sure that your neck is the last thing to turn when entering the pose & the first to unwind when leaving it!!


Props: sit on a thick folded blanket if your sitting bones are not firmly grounded, i.e. you are tilting onto the twisting side. If your ankles or knees are sensitive, use a folded blanket for a bit of padding. You can do a simpler variation of this pose sitting on a chair, with one side of your body facing the back of it.


Avoid or modify Bharadvaja's Twist if you

  • have sustained any injury to your neck or hips

  • are experiencing severe cervical pain

  • are recovering from any condition related to the heart

  • suffer from High or Low Blood Pressure.


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