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Archived asanas

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Balancing Bear Pose (Merudandasana) đŸ»

merudanda (spine) + asana (pose)

Admittedly a pose that might make your grandmother blush, Balancing Bear Pose is a playful intermediate-level balancing seated pose that's also a great inner thigh & spine stretcher. A fabulous prep pose for Boat & Seated Straddle Poses, keep your back straight & torso extended, look up & smile. Don't worry if you fall out (or over) - it happens to us all, & it's half the fun (although you can also try the Half Bear variation by lifting just one leg at a time). You need to warm up your body beforehand, so spend some time in Both Big Toe Pose & Cobbler's Pose, & remember to relax your body afterwards with Staff Pose, Bridge, & Seated Forward Fold. Practised regularly, you'll find that your focus, concentration, & energy will become enhanced, making you less of a bear in the morning!


  • increases flexibility in the spine, hips, & hamstrings

  • is a heart opener

  • improves balance & overall flexibility

  • builds core & back strength

  • opens the chest improving you breath more deeply

  • is believed to aid in digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs

  • stimulates the root chakra.

Remember: Make sure you have enough space around you in case you tip over & donÂŽt overstretch your hamstrings!

Props: there are loads of variations for balancing bear: beginners or those with limited flexibility sit on a folded blanket. You can also try using a yoga strap (or a scarf or belt) to help raise your leg(s).

Avoid or modify Balancing Bear Pose if you:

  • have had any hip surgery or hip/tail bone-related injuries - you can keep your knees bent slightly &/or use a prop

  • have sciatica

  • have injured your knees

  • have had a lower back injury

  • lack of Breath Body Awareness

  • are heavily pregnant.


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