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Tiger Pose Variation 1 (Vyaghrasana Variation 1)

vyaghra (tiger) + asana (pose) 🐅







If you´re looking to put a tiger in your tank, you may want to spend some quality cat time in this variation of the beginner-friendly classic. In this balancing, back bending chest-opening poseoften called Bound Tigerthe back leg is lifted & clasped by the hand of the opposite arm to help open up the chest & shoulders. (Pulling your stomach in will help support your spine as you deepen your backbend.) Before expressing your inner fierceness, warm up with Table Top Pose (in any of its variations), a few rounds of Cat Cow, & Thread the Needle Pose. Afterwards, Puppy Pose, Extended Child´s Pose, & Down Dog will all help relax your body. Be mindful that since this is a balancing pose, setting your gaze on a drishti point will help settle your mind & help with your wobbling. Speaking of balancing, this Tiger variation is quite similar to Dancer Pose, but expressed on the knees. A super pose for swimmers & runners, Vyaghrasana Variation 1 will bring strength & flexibility to your body & have you purring in no time!


  • strengthens & stabilizes the core muscles

  • stretches & strengthens the shoulders, arms, chest, thighs, & hip-flexors (psoas muscle)

  • helps improve balance

  • loosens up the hip joints, enhancing flexibility 

  • tones the glutes

  • opens the chest & shoulders

  • relieves stress & tension in the lower back

  • alleviates sciatica by relaxing the sciatic nerves

  • improves the digestive system

  • stimulates the nervous, lymphatic,& reproductive systems

  • prepares your body for deeper backbends

  • helps improve mental focus

  • is often used after childbirth for strengthening & toning the birth canal.


      Remember: to avoid strain on your wrist joint, make sure that the weight of your body isn’t completely on the balancing wrist . It also helps to keep your fingers spread & pressing down on the base of the fingers. Also, try to keep your hips as square as possible.

      Props: loop a yoga strap or a belt or scarf around your raised foot if you can´t quite reach with your hand. Kneel on a folded blanket or on your rolled back yoga mat if you experience discomfort in your knees.


      Avoid or modify Tiger Pose Variation 1 if you

  • have had a recent back injury/slipped disk

  • suffer from severe sciatica, or chronic back, hip, or knee pain

  • have undergone hip, spinal, shoulder, or knee surgeries 

  • have weak wrists or knees

  • suffer from vertigo, High Blood pressure, or migraines

  • are heavily pregnant.

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