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We welcome a minimum of 4 yogis in order to open a group class. For information about classes, click here

  • A gentle flow for beginners or those with flexibility/mobility issues

    1 hr

    5€ per yogi
  • A dynamic hatha flow for more experienced yogis

    1 hr

    5€ per yogi
  • Need to target your hips? Shoulders? Legs? YOU call the shots!

    1 hr

    7€ per yogi
  • For those requiring a little extra help - no mat required!

    1 hr

    5€ per yogi
  • Exploring how yoga wheels, blocks & balls can enhance your practice

    1 hr

    5€ per yogi
  • For those who need a little extra attention (border collie optional)

    1 hr

    20 euros
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